
The Easy Way to
Manage Your Business

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Ordering your favorite meal is as easy as 1-2-3, but not every restaurant operates with ease. Turn to Data Central to easily identify opportunities for cost savings, maximize menu profitability, streamline processes, and give you full visibility into your operations.

Data Central is the maintenance-free enterprise restaurant management solution for Flame Broiler.

With Data Central, you can:

  • Lower food costs by 3-6% by using our advanced menu engineering and COGS analysis reports
  • Cut down on daily inventory time to <15 minutes and manage waste by tracking inventory from delivery to preparation
  • Produce fresher food, ensure food safety, and reduce prep time by 20-30 minutes using our Prep Sheets and Centralized Recipes
  • Lower labor costs, optimize staff schedules, and prevent over- or under-scheduling using our Suggested Scheduling tool
  • Proactively identify problems and manage incomplete tasks that are disrupting the workflow using Activity Feed’s real-time alerts
  • Optimize food purchasing by using our powerful forecasting engine that tracks historical performance data and predicts demand for high-traffic events

Ready to simplify your system?

For questions, call 
Malcolm Burlow
 at 813-579-1504 or email at

Dramatically improve service times.

When stores compete, everyone wins. Our gamified timer system can improve speed of service by 51 percent

Dramatically improve service times.

When stores compete, everyone wins. Our gamified timer system can improve speed of service by 51 percent

Dramatically improve service times.

When stores compete, everyone wins. Our gamified timer system can improve speed of service by 51 percent